Today I’ll choose that I’ve got nothing to loose, I’ll wake on up and fill my own cup! 🌴 I’ll get out of bed and out my own head, Break the fast and learn from my past. 🌴 I’ll slip on my favourite shoes and walk off the blues, Plan brunch with my friends and
The Journal
Ꮿhat iᎰ...
Ꮿhat if…
Ꮀind yourself to free yourself… Ꮿhat if the fragments of yourself were waiting to be found and set free, Ꭿnd by unifying your fragmented self, you found who you were meant to be … Ꮿhat if spending time with yourself was liberating Ꭿnd sitting with your shadow was surrendering … Ꮿhat if witnessing your feelings
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Ꮿhat iᎰ...
Ꮿhat iᎰ…
Ꮿhat iᎰ… Ꮿhat if we could hear the compliments as loud as the insults Ꮀeel the joy as deep as the pain Ꭶee all the love around us as black and white as we see the rejection Ꭿnd find flow the way we meet resistance. … Ꮿhat if we could touch ourselves the way we
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Thank You Letters...
Thank You Tension
Thank you tension. Thank you for holding me together when I could have fell apart, For giving me integrity when I wasn’t honest with myself. Thank you for speaking to me in your subtle and strong ways, For making me listen –even though I chose the hard way. Thank you for being so persistent, For
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Thank You Letters...
Thank You Letters…
Thank You Ocean, Thank you for letting me breathe you. Your cleansing ocean air filling my lungs with your negative ions- accelerating my ability to absorb your oxygen, your life. Thank you for your power. The roar of your waves evoking the power that lies within me. Thank you for your perspective. Your giant salt-water